
Sims 4 How To Stock Pond With Fish

How to build a swimming in The Sims 4

A well-established Sims 4 pond, with trees, fish, and various wildlife
(Prototype credit: EA / Maxis)

When y'all know how to build a pond in The Sims 4 you tin can overhaul your outdoor space with a fancy water feature, and helpfully this option is available through both the base of operations game and the Cottage Living expansion. Players had waited a long fourth dimension for this to be officially added to The Sims 4, as before it they had to make do with cobbling something together using plants and a modest pool, which was conspicuously sub-optimal! Not only does a Sims 4 pond add together a touch of grade to your garden, only you lot tin can as well go fishing in that location without having to exit home.

More Sims four Cottage Living guides

Working out how to build a pond in The Sims 4 isn't quite as straightforward equally building a pool, so here's how to get started. Coming up we cover all the things you need to practice to actually build a pond, too how to accessorize it, add fish to it, every bit well equally catch fish, and more than.

How to build a swimming in The Sims four

ane. Use the terrain tool to make your pond shape

(Image: © EA / Maxis)

In Build/Purchase Style caput over to the terrain tools and select "Lower Terrain" within the "Pigment Tool" surface area. Yous can so utilize this to make the basic shape of your swimming. Yous're able to bandy betwixt castor styles (round or foursquare), and adjust the speed at which your tool carves into the land - letting y'all control the depth a piffling more easily.

Compared to the pool tools, using the terrain brushes allows your pond to look much more than natural and work better with the landscape.

two. Fill information technology with h2o

(Image: © EA / Maxis)

Once yous're happy with your basic pond - or river - shape, flip over to the "Water Tool" section of the terrain menu. In hither you've got the option to but simply raise the water level, which will add together a layer of h2o with every click according to the vague water level lines you can see in the terrain dip.

Or you can choose to "Fill Water to Level", which volition peak up your pond automatically to the max. You tin besides adjust your max water level too, for finer design capabilities.

3. Accessorize it

(Image: © EA / Maxis)

Now that you've got your bones swimming built, now you lot can add together some accessories - including flora and fauna. Side by side to the terrain tools in Build/Buy Mode, there's a new section called "Outdoor Water Decor". In here, y'all can change the h2o type (there are new pond-specific options also), add plants, rocks, and logs, and too what's known as "Pond Effects". These are little tiles you lot tin pop onto your pond to spawn things like ducks or swans, or various bugs. They certainly add more grapheme to your swimming.

Yet, do note that the "Land Fish" selection within Pond Effects is purely decorative, and then if you want to add together catchable (and edible) fish to your ponds, read on for the next pace.

How to add fish to ponds in The Sims 4

A well-established Sims 4 pond, with trees, fish, and various wildlife

(Image credit: EA / Maxis)

To turn your beautiful new pond into a fisherman'south paradise, you'll demand to kickoff add the "Fishing Allowed Sign" to your pond from the "Pond Objects" department of the "Outdoor Water Decor". Selecting the sign in Alive Mode will allow your sims to add fish, and also see which fish are available to take hold of in each pond.

Even so, in order to add fish to a pond your sims volition have to take already registered some fish in their notebook - you can't merely buy them from a catalogue or anything. In that location are two easy ways to do this though:

i. Go angling

(Image: © EA / Maxis)

By angling anywhere, your sims volition gain knowledge of various different fish types - and the more they catch, the more knowledge and Fishing Skill they'll gain. Once you've caught one of each species, yous'll be able to add that species to your dwelling pond. And yes, that counts for the more than tropical fish types yous tin can notice across the various Sims 4 expansions.

2. Go grocery shopping

(Image: © EA / Maxis)

If you don't want to put that time into fishing away from home, there's some other shortcut to fish stock, and that's shopping.

Either get to a store, or use the new "Grocery Commitment" selection via the telephone to stock your pockets up with various types of fish. Once you've bought some, you tin can so use those species to stock your pond.

It'due south not the cheapest way, but it is the quickest. And we all use 'Motherlode' cheats correct?

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Sam Loveridge is the Global Editor-in-Chief of GamesRadar, and joined the team in Baronial 2017. Sam came to GamesRadar after working at TrustedReviews, Digital Spy, and Fandom, following the completion of an MA in Journalism. In her time, she's too had appearances on The Guardian, BBC, and more. Her experience has seen her embrace console and PC games, along with gaming hardware, for over seven years, and for GamesRadar, she is in charge of reviews, best lists, and the overall running of the site and its staff. Her gaming passions prevarication with weird simulation games, big open-world RPGs, and beautifully crafted indies. Basically, she loves all games that aren't sports or fighting titles!


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